Notice :
Please make sure all necessary files are ready for upload.
All presentations should be:
Prepared with Dubai fonts and DHA or non branded presentation templates.
Presentation files name should be numbered according to the lesson / session tile ( Eg. 1- Presentation on subject1, 2- presentation on subject 2)
Voice recorded PowerPoint Presentation for each module / session
Interactive question based on presentation content ( 1 interactive question ( preferably MCQ) is mandatory with each presentation with 3-4 Answer choices. Prepared in a separate slide in between the presentation where the interactive question need to pop up. If a presentation duration is more than 10 minutes, then 1 question for every 10 minutes duration of the presentation )
Sample here
Pre test or post test if any ( To be created in a notepad file . Sample here
Details about any special rules or requirement if any
If any signature authority required for the certificate , then Person name, designation and organization details with clear image of signature in .mpeg format)
If the program is accredited, the accreditation letter should be submitted.